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I'm Susan Lynn, a psychic, medium, and teacher. I use my psychic abilities to give you messages about your work, career, love life, children, life purpose, and more. And as a medium, I help you connect to your loved ones, complete with names, personalities, important items, and memories you will recognize. My passion is helping you wake up to your own spiritual gifts. That's why I lead events, teach classes, and host a popular YouTube channel and a thriving membership community I hope you'll join me in one of these venues. We'll learn, grow, and ascend together.  

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This is my story

I have been able to see, hear, and feel spirit since I was a child. While my family talked about and even joked about ghosts, no one really took it seriously, so I eventually learned block them out as much as possible. As a self-affirmed nerdy square adult, however, visitations and messages began to come through with increasing regularity and with more determination—and in a town like Galveston where most people thought it was cool, I secretly hoped it was “just a phase.”


A pivotal moment occurred in 2012 when, after losing my closest and dearest friend—and then having that friend come right back from the other side with messages of encouragement, coaching [and, yes, coaxing], I decided to acknowledge my own personal shift. At that point, my abilities ignited. 


For the next several years, I received frequent guidance from my guides and spirit people. I began studying under world renowned medium James Van Praagh, and began in earnest to further develop my skillset. For those who are not familiar, the popular TV show “The Ghost Whisperer” was patterned after James' true life story and adventures.


Then early in 2018, my guides asked “if I was ready.” They declined to answer what I was supposed to be ready for. But in my heart, I knew I had to say YES. And that is when [pardon the language] all hell broke loose!


Spirit communication became a daily thing, sometimes interrupting other work with insistent messages to transcribe what they had to say, sometimes with unexplainable physical symptoms. And from time to time, they would start in on me at night by repeating the same word or words again and again until I not only woke up, but wrote down the words. They even said words in other languages and then spelled them to me over and over.


By mid-2018, I entered into a short but lively period of psychic verbal diarrhea, as it’s now more commonly known… LOL.  One minute I would be minding my own business, and the next I'd be telling friends and even complete strangers things about themselves that there was no way I could know—to our mutual amazement.  Some of the time it could be brushed it off as a fluke or a joke. But on occasion I would not be let off the hook, and by being asked to delve deeper, I ended up giving some of my first "pop-up readings."  By the end of 2018, clients were booking readings at a steadily increasing pace.  Meanwhile, I pursued in-depth study under well-known psychic Kari Samuels. I also attended workshops with Kari and Colette Baron-Reid.


I've learned a lot over the years about setting myself aside to allow spirit to have their say.  With each client, beloved family and significant others have come forward. These validated messages of hope and encouragement, and sometimes closure or apology, are all designed to bring healing, comfort and, hopefully, proof that just because they’re no longer with us in person, our loved ones and friends are always with us in spirit. 


In addition, the guides have done an amazing job of providing their unique perspective on how to navigate life choices for the clients’ highest good.  They not only talk about things like what jobs to take, where to live, who to date, and when babies are on the way, etc., but they often caution about imminent vehicle breakdowns and needed home repairs. 


The help and guidance I am able to facilitate from the other side is always surprising and often mind-blowing. I am humbled, privileged, and thankful to be a part of it.

The help and guidance I am able to facilitate from the other side is always surprising and often mind-blowing. I am humbled, privileged, and thankful to be a part of it.

Susan Lynn Psychic Medium

© 2024-25 by Susan Lynn Psychic Medium

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