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Factory Reset Your Souls Path


During this Lunar Eclipse, my guides were showing me that this is a time to get back on track or on track with your soul’s path or plan.

Imagine if you could just know what your souls plan was for this incarnation?

What if we could push a reset button and reset ourselves back to the factory settings?  Meaning the original birth settings. Before all those years of mishaps, letdowns and too few joyous occasions littered the years of our life.

That’s when my guides said, NO. That’s not at all what is supposed to happen!

You don’t want to go back to the beginning. Your soul wasn’t nearly as smart or accomplished as it is now.

The idea here is to LIVE LIFE and let those experiences flavor your soul.

Then integrate your soul’s plan and those life experiences together into a new version of your soul.

Mix them together until they form a new color. One you haven’t experienced before.

You are a better version of the one you came into this life as.

Hard to believe, I know. But, when you think about all the bad, horrible things you’ve lived through, you survived to tell the tale.  And that is where integration happens.

How to integrate these energies?

I don’t think I have the answers yet myself. But I know this is the way.

As always, start with self-care and self-love.

These are the most important ingredients and the easiest to get as they are free and under your control.

Keep an eye out for more videos, posts, and newsletters about this as this is a “hot topic” the guides want me to delve into!

Take really good care!









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