Wow, I love helping people and I am just blown away with how much a little help from your Angels, Guides and Loved Ones in Spirit can change your life!
I just had a reading with a woman that was experiencing severe allergies. I know what you're thinking (I'm psychic remember- LOL) tell her to take a Claritin- problem solved.
And yes, she did take allergy meds to no avail. The problem is that she is allergic only to cigarette smoke. Nothing else, just that. She never had any allergies until she battled cancer and went through Chemo, and then became deathly allergic to cigarette smoke.
These symptoms were so bad that she moved out of an apartment and decided to buy her first house so that she could "control" the air and her surroundings better.
Her allergies are debilitating - and she used up her sick leave dealing with them so now it was time to really deal with this problem.
So imagine her surprise when she moved into a beautiful and newly renovated home and her cigarette smoke allergies started up again!
She had the entire place including the AC ducts professionally cleaned and she still had severe allergies. And she had the house tested for mold and other allergens. Even though no one could smell any smoke nor any odd smells at all, she was sure the smoke was soaked into the walls and thought she would have to move out of her newly purchased home.
She even consulted with a Realtor to see about selling the house she had just purchased!
And that's when the Realtor suggested that she contact a psychic as she thought they could talk to any "cigarette smoking spirits" that were hanging out there and or see if the problem was spiritual in nature.
So she made an appointment and we talked via phone. I connected to her and told her a few things about her personality that are very specific so that she would know that I was indeed connected to her energy.
I took a vibrational stroll though her house and in the attic (where a lot of ghosts like to hang out) and I did find a few harmless spirits there, but none of them were spiritually smoking in the house LOL. As a matter of fact they just wanted to be left alone and not bother anyone.
So, I called in her Guides and Angels and asked them why she was experiencing her allergies to cigarette smoke when there wasn't any physical smoke?
What happened next surprised me!
They said she was not happy at work. They went into great detail as to the exact problems she was having and she agreed that, yes that was all true. But, she wanted to know what did that have to do with her allergies?
Her Angels explained that her body was experiencing the symptoms because there was a war going on between her head and her heart and her body was the battle field!
Wow, so I asked what's the war about? How can we help her?
They said that her heart is not happy and that is making her body sick. They showed me her career, down to the details and that she would be making a big change in the coming year.
Of course, we all have free will.... and she could decide to not follow her heart and instead follow her brain. But she would be pretty sick and only be able to treat about 40% of the symptoms.
Not a very good outcome.
Or she could take their advice and listen to her heart and do what makes her heart happy while she waits for the new "opportunity" to come into her life.
She agreed to do whatever it took to relieve her symptoms.
My guides are very detailed in their advice and often give people a list of things to do and a timeline to get results.
So they told her to ask her heart every day what it needed to be happy that day and then make a plan to honor that. It could be something simple like go to the movies, read a book for an hour, take a walk or go out to dinner with friends. Nothing Earth shattering, but she was to do that every day and in two weeks she would be symptom free.
However, there would be a relapse in four days that would last for two days-- but not to give up hope. They asked her to write on her calendar (because they knew she lived by her calendar) a date two weeks from that day and she would be symptom free. They also said that she would gradually get better and may not even notice the change- so making a note on the calendar would help her pay attention to how she was feeling at that time and see if she was indeed better or not.
They also told her about a new career opportunity that would be coming in for her in the next year. It's a completely new version of what she currently does. She will be running her own business so to speak. And she will be successful. And that is what will make her heart sing with joy. She just has to keep her and her heart in a happy place while this new opportunity comes together.
She was excited to hear about the new changes -if even a little scared and promised to follow their directions to a "T" as she would do anything to feel better.
Fast forward to the date she had written on the calendar per the Angels request... WOW, she was free of allergies and felt great for the first time in months!
She contacted me and said that she just had to let me know that she was indeed symptom free!
NO allergies!
She said, she felt better the very next day but then did have a bad relapse that lasted a few days. Since she knew to expect it, she kept doing something nice for her heart each day anyway. Nothing crazy, just had dinner with friends, meditated on her heart chakra, made sure to find time to fully relax each day and took walks.
And gradually her symptoms got better and better and then she saw on her calendar that the date the Angels said she would be allergy free was a few days away and she already felt 100% better!
She said she was so happy that she did not have to move again or take more time off from work! She couldn't believe that she was healthy again after so many months of sneezing, sniveling and coughing!
So the moral of this story is that being unhappy can make you sick! But you can reverse it by doing simple things that make your heart sing each day.
We often think that we need to something BIG to change our lives, but in reality little things add up to big changes.
I am so grateful for the Angels, Spirit Guides and Spirit Family that come through with real action items that clearly make a difference in people's lives!
Susan Lynn
Psychic Medium
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All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person’s personal life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.
By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that we do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death.